Usable endpoint to synchronise actual video information, including name, tags and slides.


How to create proper structure

The structure of the video is quite complex, so If you want to create/update the structure of the slide from API, the best way to do it would be to create the layout in the Elai UI, retrieve it using GET /videos/:videoId, and use the structure from response JSON body.


Update slide status

By default, we don't re-render each slide if you don't change it. So if you want any slide to be re-rendered, you need to change its status in your PATCH call to 'edited'. Please make sure slides[].status = 'edited' is set for each slide you want to be re-rendered.

    "tags": [],
    "status": "draft",
    "verified": true,
    "public": true,
    "id": "628533740e4e642def3141ab",
    "name": "Greetings for {{name}}",
    "userId": "627b9a3fe5a60082d0cecc3e",
    "accountId": "627b9a3fe5a60082d0cecc3f",
    "createdAt": "2022-05-18T17:57:08.004Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-05-18T17:57:11.339Z",
    "slides": [
            "id": 1634592244043,
            "speech": "Hello {{name}} with voice!",
            "avatar": {
                "code": "zara.regular",
                "gif": "",
                "thumbnail": "",
                "canvas": "",
                "tilt": {
                    "top": -0.02
                "gender": "female"
            "language": "English",
            "voice": "en-US-AriaNeural",
            "voiceType": "text",
            "animation": "fade_in",
            "canvas": {
                "version": "4.4.0",
                "background": "#ffffff",
                "objects": [
                        "type": "avatar",
                        "left": 350,
                        "top": 144.6,
                        "scaleX": 0.6,
                        "scaleY": 0.6,
                        "avatarType": "transparent",
                        "src": "",
                        "fill": "#a56ced",
                        "animation": {
                            "type": null
                        "width": 360,
                        "height": 360
            "newlyAdded": false,
            "duration": null,
            "approxDuration": 1.7333333333333334,
            "status": "edited",
            "played": true,
            "internal": {
                "audioUrl": ""
    "data": {
        "subtitlesEnabled": "burn",
        "subtitlesUrl": ""
    "tags": ["welcome", "template"],
    "name": "Greetings for {{name}}",
    "subtitlesEnabled": 'burn'
    "slides": [
            "id": 1634592244043,
            "speech": "Hello {{name}} with voice!",
            "bg": {
                "type": "color",
                "color": "#FFFFFF",
                "position": {
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 0,
                    "zoom": 1
                "trimStart": 0
            "avatar": {
                "code": "zara.regular",
                "name": "Casual",
                "gif": "",
                "thumbnail": "",
                "tilt": {
                    "top": -4,
                    "left": -13.5
                "gender": "female"
            "avatarProps": {
                "size": 66,
                "position": 55,
                "verticalPosition": 0,
                "type": "transparent",
                "color": "#f88074"
            "language": "English",
            "voice": "en-US-JennyNeural",
            "voiceType": "text",
            "animation": null,
            "duration": 2.4,
            "approxDuration": 1.7333333333333334,
            "status": "inQueue",
            "canvas": {
                "version": "4.4.0",
                "objects": []
            "played": true,
            "internal": {
                "audioUrl": ""


Slide structure

More details about slide structure can be found here

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!