List of all supported languages and voices. List is an array of supported languages. Each language is an object with name, male and female, where you can find voices separated by gender.

Each video slide should contain the correct combination of language/voiceProvider/voice.

Important voice params

  "voice": "21m00Tcm4TlvDq8ikWAM", // Voice ID to be use in your slides
  "voiceProvider": "elevenlabs", // Voice Provider (we suport 5 now, but constantly updating)
  "premium": true, // if this is a premium voice

Basic example of voice-related params each slide should have:

  slides: [{
    language: "English",
    voiceType: "text",
    voiceProvider: "azure",
    voice: "en-US-GuyNeural",
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!