Webhooks allow you to subscribe to an event triggered by our system.

So far, we support there types of events:

video_ready stringTriggered when any video's status is changed to "ready"
video_error stringTriggered when any video has a validation or a rendering error
video_moderation stringTriggered when any video is sent to moderation

Example of a webhook payload:

Delivery-ID: xQHSyokZ
Elai-Timestamp: 1652706345008
Elai-Signature: bd72f3294000e64ac62724836071483fc6abcb9b1ab4e39e446e04d8314c3334

    "event": "video_ready",
    "error": null,
    "video": {
      "_id": "627e1c5ef461482766f35f4a",
      "status": "ready",
      "public": false,
      "name": "Hello John!",
      "tags": [],
      "deleted": false,
      "status": "draft",
      "public": false,
      "userId": "61b1529d2055d2805c0",
      "accountId": "61b1529d2055d2805c",
     	"createdAt": "2022-08-25T09:25:56.228Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-08-26T09:40:03.337Z",
      "data": {},
      "duration": 3.456,
      "thumbnail": "https://elai-media.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/staging/videos/630740247ca13c26ac13886d/slide733399051519_screenshot_1661506361822.jpg",
      "url": "https://elai-media.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/staging/videos/630740247ca13c26ac13886d/kreativnyi-brif_kama.mp4"

Payload generally contains these fields:

Webhook FieldDesription
event stringOne of specified event types.
error stringIf an error occurs during video processing, its summary description will be in this field.
requestId stringIf the video was created using Personalization API, this field would contain related request ID
batchRowId stringIf the video was created using Personalization API, this field would contain related index of video in a batch request
video objectActual video information.

We expect a non-error response code (2xx) within 10 seconds in order to consider event delivery a success.


In case of error

After 10 failed deliveries (webhook returns non 2xx status) we temporarily disable a webhook. Then you should fix your endpoint and reactivate a webhook by resubscribing using API or visiting your API settings page.

In case you want to verify the origin of the request, to make sure Elai made the request, we sign each event with a specific header. To learn more about how to verify the signature, see this guide.

You can enable webhooks using API settings page.

Or you can also subscribe to webhooks via related API method.